Auto Keirning Cars

Reviews Sport Car Collection Of Various Sources

Auto Keirning Cars

Reviews Sport Car Collection Of Various Sources

Auto Keirning Cars

Reviews Sport Car Collection Of Various Sources

Auto Keirning Cars

Reviews Sport Car Collection Of Various Sources

Auto Keirning Cars

Reviews Sport Car Collection Of Various Sources

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Last Sunday the GBS team were joined by many customers at Blyton Park for a track day that was in conjunction with Javelin Track Days.
We took with us our Zero demonstartor which performed extremely well, and everyone was very impressed with the way it handled out on the track. It was great to see so many customers there, many were taking part and others just joined us for the day and had many rides out on the track in the GBS Zero.
We would just like to thank everyone for joining us and making it such an enjoyable day, and a big thank you to all the Javelin Team,
we are looking forward to the next Track Day which is on Sunday 23rd September at Blyton Park ........... Please also visit the GBS website to see all of the Track Day and Sprint events that we will be attending throughout the year.
To see more photographs of the day please visit our Facebook page  or visit where they will be added shortly.

For more information about the GBS Zero and for all enquiries please call us on 01623 860990 or visit and for all parts and spares please visit

GBS and Kit Spares are now on Facebook join us and become a fan today!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Automobile Accidents Are Easy to Prevent Using Modern Technology

The Bad News

World-wide, more than a million people are killed by cars every year. (The numbers are easy to check on line.) In the USA alone, auto accidents cost each and every American - man, woman and child - over a thousand dollars per year. That's over $150 billion a year. Every 12 minutes, someone dies in a car crash on U.S. roads, and every 10 seconds, someone in America is injured by a car and taken to an emergency department. Every ten seconds!

But that's just the tip of the iceberg. According to the National Safety Council of the United States,

The calculable costs of motor-vehicle crashes are wage and productivity losses, medical expenses, administrative expenses, motor vehicle damage, and employers' uninsured costs. [... ] The costs of all these items for each death (not each fatal crash), injury (not each injury crash), and property damage crash were:

Average Economic Cost per Death, Injury, or Crash, 2010

- Death $1,410,000

- Nonfatal Disabling Injury $70,200

- Property Damage Crash (including nondisabling injuries) $8,900

[... ]

Expressed on a per death basis, the cost of all motor vehicle crashes i.e. fatal, nonfatal injury, and property damage was $7,280,000.

[... ]

Since the number of deaths from car accidents in 2010 was almost 33,000, the total cost of them all was over $240 billion. In just one year!

Egads! and Gadzooks! Compare that with death by terrorist attacks and school shootings and the like, all of which combined, since the year 1857, have not, in the USA, exceeded 5,000. To put that in perspective, in the same 150-year period over 3,200,000 people were killed by cars in the US alone. That's over 600 times as many as killed by terrorists. It's a mind-bogglingly disproportionate ratio. (Worse still, the US Department of Transportation spends only about $5 billion a year on its safety programs, while the NSA, CIA and FBI have a combined budget that's almost four times as large.)

And that's just the deaths caused by road crashes. Injuries are far more prevalent. There are around 6 million road accidents every year in the US alone, and around 3 million people are injured by them. The economic cost of all of these, in the form of cost of treating them and work-hours lost, is incalculable. It could well be half a trillion dollars every year. Given that the GDP of the United States is only $14 trillion or thereabouts, that comes to 3.5% of the entire output of the USA just going down the drain, year after year.

The Good News

Fortunately it doesn't have to be this way. We already possess the technology to almost eliminate vehicle accidents involving other vehicles, and to drastically reduce accidents involving cars on the one hand, and people on the other. All that's needed is to have the will to mandate this technology in every auto; and that's not too much to ask in the interests of safety, because we've already exercised our will to mandate seatbelts and airbags for the exact same reason.

Here's how it could work. GPS systems are ubiquitous and cheap, and are installed in pretty much every new vehicle these days. They are also small: some can even fit into a pocket. Wi-fi is even more ubiquitous and inexpensive: it's built into every computer, tablet and cell phone sold today. And both GPS systems and wi-fi are getting cheaper by the year. To make them work to avoid accidents, all that's needed is software that will take into account an object's mass, speed and direction of travel, so as to predict exactly where it will be a few seconds (or microseconds) later, if it keeps going the way it's going. Such software is easy to write: in fact it already exists to enable airline pilots to land airplanes in the worst of weather and with zero visibility. (Of course we only have to write the software once: the cost of developing it, even if high, can be spread over literally billions of cars.) Combine the three - GPS, wi-fi and the necessary software - into a single gadget, and then mandate that such a gadget be installed in every road vehicle... and you'd have the essence of an early warning system that could predict and help prevent every road collision. Each such gadget would broadcast its GPS coordinates, via wi-fi, to every other such gadget in its vicinity, and every other such gadget would use its built-in software to determine whether a collision is imminent.

Such systems could first of all alert the driver, using lights and/or sounds, that a collision is imminent, leaving the driver to control the car and avoid the collision. Any prudent driver will do so, of course, after having been so alerted. However, if the driver is incapacitated, stupid, or drunk, the system could be designed to automatically slow the car down to avoid the collision, taking over control from the driver. Some drivers may not like it, just as many drivers the world over don't like seatbelts, but if the system were mandatory and tamper proof, they would have no choice. It's not just for their own good, but for the good of everyone else they could ruin the lives of, so there's ample legal and ethical reason to mandate such a thing.

The cost per vehicle would be miniscule. Even if each such gadget were to cost a thousand dollars - and that's pushing it, since GPS systems cost only a couple of hundred dollars each - since only 17 million or so cars are sold in the US every year, it would mean an annual US expenditure of only $17 billion, which, compared with the $240 billion that road accidents cost the American economy every year, is next to nothing. In fact, even if it were mandated that such a gadget be retrofitted to every single vehicle ­- and since there are about 250 million road vehicles in America today (that includes cars, trucks and motorcycles, of course) - it would only be a one-time expense that costs just a tad more than traffic accidents cost the US economy every year.

But, you may ask, what about accidents between cars on the one hand, and people on the other? Such accidents would also be easy to prevent, if people were to carry GPS transmitters on their persons: transmitters which would inform all vehicles in their vicinity of their location. Such transmitters could be made small enough to carry in a pocket, or even embed in a wrist watch; and since they would only amount to a wi-fi equipped GPS, they would be extremely cheap. As a matter of fact, personal GPS locators sold these days - about the size of a cookie - cost less than a couple of hundred dollars, and will surely get even less expensive as time goes by. Any car equipped with the gadget proposed here would be able to take into account people carrying such wi-fi-enabled GPS transmitters, and avoid hitting them.

As for accidents involving cars and other stationary objects like lamp posts, those are even easier to prevent, since the exact GPS coordinates of every lamp post in the world is easily obtainable from such things as Google Earth. Just program these coordinates into the gadget installed in every car, and Bob's your uncle.

Unique Ways to Advertise Your Transmission Repair Shop

Are you having trouble getting the word out about your transmission repair business? Are you tired of spending excess money on billboards, newspaper advertisements and direct mail out brochures and not seeing the return on your investment? Well, there's no need to get discouraged. Contrary to what some may believe, you don't have to rely strictly on the traditional forms of marketing to get your business noticed.

For instance, instead of spending thousands of dollars on printed advertisements, you can offer discount prices on services such as oil changes. Of course, you will need to use advertisements to get the word out about the discount. However, the deal you are offering will help you get a much quicker return on your investment. That's because people are always looking for ways to save money.

This may not seem like a good idea because this type of deal doesn't focus on the transmission repair services you offer. That may be true, but that doesn't mean this option won't be effective. One of the most beneficial things a business can do is attract customers. Once you have done this, half of your battle is already won. Although the customers may not initially patronize your establishment to get transmission work, they will definitely remember your business in the future. Therefore, if they one day find themselves with vehicular issues, they will always remember the place that offered them the great deal on their oil change.

Another way you can advertise your transmission repair shop is to provide workshops for the community. These workshops can be free or you can charge a small fee. Don't make the events too pricey. You want to attract as many potential customers as possible. During the workshops, you can give participants tips on ways they can help keep their vehicles running for long periods of time. Don't forget to stress the importance of routine checkups on equipment such as the engine and the transmission. Hand out business cards and flyers at the end. This way, they will have a direct way to contact you if they become interested in your services.

Lastly, you can partner with other automotive businesses and market alongside them. For example, if there is a local business that only sells auto parts, you can ask them to advertise for you. So, they can send all of their customers who have transmission repair needs straight to you. In exchange, you would send your customers who need auto parts to their business.

PES 2012 Ver.1.0.5 Last version (HVGA,QVGA,WVGA)

Hi...Now Leetzh want to share to you a last version from PES 2012...
I know the pes 2013 will relesed next December...
In this willl find a new features like..
Awesome 3D graphics...the new skill in player...
and the new player in some team....

PES 2012 Apk and Data (Uploaded)
PES 2012 Apk and Data (Dirrect mirror)

Install apk and place the data in SD card/Android/obb...
if there is no obb can make a new one...
But..for the first must have a internet connection for verivication data...


Friday, July 27, 2012


Earlier this week we took the GBS Zero to the Robin Hood owners meeting at Leicester, it was a great evening and good to see so many other GBS Zero's, Robin Hood 2B's and others. It was perfect weather to be out in the cars we look forward to the next meeting.

This Sunday (29th July) the GBS team will be attending a track day at Blyton Park in conjunction with Javelin Track Days, if your not taking part your welcome to Spectate or be a passenger in our Zero demonstrator. It will be another great day out with many GBS customers joining us for the day in their cars, we look forward to seeing you all there! Please follow the link for more information about the event

For more information about the GBS Zero or to book a test drive and for all other enquiries please call us on 01623 860990 or visit For all parts and spares please visit

GBS and Kit Spares are now on Facebook join us and become a fan today!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ISS Wheels FS-6 Automotive Connoisseur Execstudio Nissan GTR R35 Red


GBS customer Sid Cole from the West Midlands had his GBS Zero collected this morning, we have put Sids Zero build through the IVA test and registered it for him, he has made a stunning job of his build and all of the GBS workshop team are very impressed with the build standard.

This Sunday (29th July) the GBS team will be attending a track day at Blyton Park in conjunction with Javelin Track Days, if your not taking part your welcome to Spectate or be a passenger in our Zero demonstrator. It will be another great day out we look forward to seeing you all there! Please follow the link for more information about the event

For more information about the GBS Zero and for all enquiries please call us on 01623 860990 or visit and for all parts and spares please visit

GBS and Kit Spares are now on Facebook join us and become a fan today!


I have been hear this game..
First..I know this game in PC...yapp PC games..
But now..I will share the Android version..
let's try to download now..

Apk mediafire
Apk datafilehost
Apk mirror
Install apk and play...

Tempat Belajar dan Diskusi Tentang Blog di PBI

Tempat Belajar dan Diskusi Tentang Blog di PBI

Agan-agan pasti gak tau kan apa itu PBI?? Mau tau?? ok..saya akan menerangkan sedikit tentang PBI.PBI adalah Persatuan Blogger Indonesia,dan ini adalah sebuah grup yang berada di facebook.
Jika agan ingin bergabung bersama kami di PBI,langsung aja daftar di sini

 >>PBI <<

OK,,di sini saya akan sedikit berbincang-bincang tentang pengalaman saya blogging dan betapa berartinya PBI bagi saya.Dulu saya adalah anak SMP yang tidak tau apapun soal Blogger.Akhirnya saya belajar membuat Blog dengan teman saya,yahh..walaupun gak banyak tapi setidaknya punya blog.Saya selalu merasa iri melihat blog teman saya yang begitu besar dan berkembang.Akhirnya saya terus mencari sumber-sumber untuk menemukan tips mengenai blogging.Saya pun menemukan grup PBI ini di facebook.Dan saya tidak salah masuk,,karena saya mendapatkan banyak ilmu di grup ini.Saya dapat bertanya apapun mengenai blog disana,seperti Alexa rank,page rank,tips blogging, pageviews,template,folower,dan yang terpenting SEO.
Selama saya bergabung di PBI,saya sangat senang karena saya dapat belajar banyak dari para senior saya yang kebanyakan para siswa SMP juga.Berikut adalah beberapa kegiatan yang membuat saya menjadi lebih semangat untuk blogging:

-Lomba SEO
-Penghargaan 10 blogger terbaik menurut Alexa
-Kegiatang saling follow yang mempererat ikatan silahturahmi
-Dan yang terpenting,sebagai Tempat Belajar dan Diskusi Tentang Blog di PBI,sesuai dengan judul postungan ini.

Kenapa saya mengharapkan anda untuk bergabung ke PBI,karena saya tau perasaan agan-agan yang pasti menginginkan blog yang bagus baik di mata orang maupun di mata Google.Dan yang bagus dari PBI,kita di perbolehkan promosi setiap hari Minggu.Nahh..itu yang saya suka dari grup ini,kita bisa mendapat banyak pageviews dari promosi itu,apalagi kita bisa melakukan kegiatan saling follow.Jika kita di follow dengan orang yang memilik akun blogger,pasti mereka akan tau tentang postingan terbaru kita tersebut,dan bisa saja mereka mengunjungi blog kita jika tertarik.
Ngomong-ngomong,sepertinya saya tidak omongin tentang peraturan grup PBI nih..OK,akan saya berikan peraturan yang harus dilakukan di grup PBI ini,lihat gambar di bawah ini..

Gimana tentang peraturannya?? lumayan banyak sih,tapi kalo agan gabung di grup ini,agan akan ngerasaain perkembangan blog agan dan ini bukan hanya sekedar promosi.Dan jika agan sudah menjadi blogger besar,jangan sungkan untuk membagi ilmunya di sini..di Grup PBI.

Dan pasti kalian bertanya-tanya dalam hati kalian,apa itu SEO?? mungkin saya terlalu sering menyebut SEO di postingan ini.Baik,pertama kali saya mendengar nama SEO...saya penasaran..apa arti dari SEO..
SEO adalah sebuah taktik untuk blogger agar dapat membuat Google terpesona dan menambah daya blog kita di mata Google...dengan kata lain kita bisa masuk page pertama Google dengan mudah. Dan kebetulan saat ini saya sedang mengikuti kontes SEO.Kontes ini bertujuan untuk mengasah kemampuan blogging kita.Dan selain itu kita juga dapat mengetahui siapa kah yang mempunyai blog yang benar-benar bisa di katakan SEO.OK agan-agan..mungkin cukup sekian dulu tentang PBI.Kalo agan mau mendaftar,langsung aja ke grup ini.Dan di grup PBI agan pasti akan tau bagaimana itu SEO dan banyak hal penting yang terus terang saya juga belum mengerti betul.Kami pasti akan menjadikan agan menjadi blogger yang sangat mahir dan jika bisa sampai ke mata dunia.Terima kasih atas waktunya...


Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises armv7 HVGA and WVGA

I'm sorry for late to post this game..
I can't test this game..because this game realy HD graphic..
And must armv7 must wait for another blog to post this game..
I think this game so cool..why?? you can look the screenshot..
Realy nice..yeah..unfortunatelly...I can enjoy it...

Download apk here


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Install apk and place data in Android/obb/
Use Titanium backup and restore data only...
Titanium Backup fils for TDKR


Friday, July 20, 2012


Both GBS and Kit Spares will be exhibiting at The National Kit & Performance Car Show at Donnington Park on the 1st & 2nd of September for more information about the event please visit GBS Would also like to invite you all to our open day at the GBS Factory in Nottingham on Saturday 22nd September, on the day the GBS showroom, Kit Spares shop and GBS workshop and machine shop will all be open, as well as refreshments, test drives and the chance to meet the GBS team..... All are welcome more details coming soon.

Earlier this week we took the GBS Zero to a Classic Car Meeting at The Unicorn’s Head in Langar in the Vale Of Belvoir. If you own a classic car or are interested in cars it is a great event to go too. These are to be held on the third Wednesday of each month until October. We look forward to the next meeting, for more details please visit their blog page.

Yesterday GBS customers Mike Spalding came to collect his GBS Zero that we had put through the IVA for him. Mike now looks forward to enjoying his Zero on the road and will be joining us on the Track Day next weekend at Blyton park.
On Sunday 29th July the GBS team will be attending a track day at Blyton Park in conjunction with Javelin Track Days, if your not taking part your welcome to Spectate or be a passenger in our Zero demonstrator. It will be another great day out we look forward to seeing you all there! Please follow the link for more information about the event and to book your place

For more information about the GBS Zero and for all enquiries please call us on 01623 860990 or visit and for all parts and spares please visit

GBS and Kit Spares are now on Facebook join us and become a fan today!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lara Croft:Guardian of Light armv6 (HVGA,QVGA,WVGA)

Yess...I'm waiting for this game...
Not realy good graphic..but have so cool adventure...
You must go to Lara know more about this game...
OK..let's download now..I said now..hmm.OK..have fun..

You need game keyboard to play this game..So you must download and follow the instruction...

Download Link:
Apk here

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Install apk and place data in SDcard/Android/Data
If there is an eror graphic..Use Qualcomme Plugin and Reduce Texture Size and Quality..


Sunday, July 15, 2012

Major Mayhem armv6 (HVGA,QVGA,WVGA)

When you read the title and you see the picture...
what do you think about this game..??
Actually this game about military...
and I think this game have the simple graphic...
Yeahh..not very high..but still fun..and still enjoy..
In this play as a military that must rescue the people..
What people why?? yes..because the terorist have a big crime that you must stop it..
Let's help many people from terorist...

Install apk and play...


Saturday, July 14, 2012

Final Fury armv6 (HVGA,QVGA,WVGA)

The war between humans and alien invaders from the Walnutro galaxy..
You know?? many people have die..too many..
But the aliens not relent...
So I hope you to help humans to support them war with alien..

Install apk and play..

If there ie an small eror try to run this software..Titanium Tweaker



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